Perth (08) 9200 4201 Melbourne (03) 8692 6640

Not For Profit and Governement

We are active participants in the community sector and believe strongly in companies making a difference on the communities they work within.  We also work with governement and not for profit agencies, where our emphasis on quality and value resonate with their corporate philosophies.

A few of our clients are below, and we have some exciting projects for Women's Healthworks, Drummond Street, ELBA, and TADWA that will be listed very soon!

Salvation Army

Now Salvation Amy staff is capable of scheduling and managing their appoinments with public more effectively by using the free booking system developed by OneIT


Women's Healthcare Association

The nonprofit Client Database & Program Manager system for Women Health Association managed their client information and program attendance much more efficiently than in the past.


June O’Connor

OneIT developed a centralised and scalable membership database, merging and converting all independent access databases to streamline recording and reporting.


Town of Cottesloe

The Town of Cottesloe is a council that is internationally renowned for its superb beaches and terraced lawns overlooking the Indian Ocean. Its existing website needed renovation with a new design, content management system and additional functionality.



The Merredin Community Resource Centre required a website that would enable people to engage effectively with each other in a more direct way on a social, commercial and professional level.


Economic Regulation Authority

The Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) of Western Australia licenses the state's providers of gas, electricity and water services. When it required a software application to manage its licensing, we provided the solution.


The oneit Difference

  • Experience
    From large companies to small in a variety of industries
  • Complete Solution
    Complementing your marketing strategy and integrating with your business
  • Peace of Mind
    One point of contact with satisfaction guaranteed
  • Value
    What you want and need on budget and on time