Perth (08) 9200 4201 Melbourne (03) 8692 6640



Greater Accountability in the NFP sector

Over the last few months, several not-for-profit organisations have approached us for quotes and consultations to request custom development solutions, ranging from asset and client management systems to rostering and time sheet systems.

Having already established strong working relationships with June O'Connor, Women's Health Works and TADWA, we were pleased to welcome Elba and Darling Range Wildlife Refuge to the OneIT family.

A Management Reporting Statistics System for June O'Connor

With one centralised system, we enabled June O’Connor’s seven state-wide drop-in centres to fulfil their reporting obligations with efficiency and accuracy. Data can now be kept in one place and quarterly reports are generated in minutes, saving the administration staff hours of manual number crunching, while eliminatingthe risk of errors. Furthermore, as State and Commonwealth reporting requirements change, the system can easily be modified to maintain maximum efficiency and accuracy.


A Client and Project Management System for TADWA

Technology Assisting Disability WA called upon our system development expertise to increase their reporting capabilities with the aim of meeting current strategic goals and preparing for predicted increased client volumes. The system in development will automate data migration from existing systems and generate reports on funding applications for the management team and the TADWA Board of Directors, as well as publication in the annual report. Excel spreadsheets detailing waiting lists, stock lists and clients assigned will be included in the system and all forms will be generated automatically, drastically reducing admin time and the risk of error. A full case study will be posted on our website once the project is completed.

A Staff Management System for Elba

Elba provides support to people with disabilities, enabling them to live independently in their own homes.They urgently need a customised Staff Management System that will maximise efficiency, traceability and accountability for rostering and funding. Our proposed solution provides roster scheduling, time sheet recording and document management capability. This will save Elba a huge amount of time in generating time sheets, rosters, case notes, incident reports and notifications of schedules for support workers and members.  A  full case study will be posted on completion of the project.

A Centralised Database for Women's Health Works

With more and more people participating in their programs, Women's Healthworks required the support of a simple centralised database to record and track all client records, communications and activity for timely and accurate reporting to funding bodies. The new system, which is ready to go live, is designed to: allow input of assessment results; produce extensive reports based on many system metrics such as numbers of enquiries and participant ages; manage the intake process for groups; and allow data to be exported to Excel for comparative analysis.

The oneit Difference

  • Experience
    From large companies to small in a variety of industries
  • Complete Solution
    Complementing your marketing strategy and integrating with your business
  • Peace of Mind
    One point of contact with satisfaction guaranteed
  • Value
    What you want and need on budget and on time