Perth (08) 9200 4201 Melbourne (03) 8692 6640



Timely delivery for Georgiou’s Time Sheet System 

Taking time to listen and understand Georgiou’s data capture requirements for a new web-based time sheet system meant we were successful in meeting their urgent needs for phase one roll-out, while nurturing a strong working relationship for the delivery of phases two and three.

For this nationwide company and its large and highly diversified workforce comprising hired, contracted and subcontracted employees, the delivery of OneIT’s powerful new time sheet system is estimated to increase efficiency significantly in the first year.  

While facilitating fast and easy entry for office staff, site workers and mechanics, the system enables time data to be approved by site managers prior to submission to payroll and, for the first time, reports can easily be generated for analysis.

“There are lots of smart functions, such as automatically populated fields, to increase efficiency and reduce the risk of errors,” said Georgiou’s IT Systems Manager, Jannani Hari. “The system has been rolled out to a few sites over the past four weeks and, so far, time sheets are now coming in on time with far fewer errors.”

Leading civil infrastructure, building construction and property development company Georgiou is now one big step closer to consolidating all rostering, HR systems, time sheets, plant equipment utilisation and project management to completely eliminate reliance on inefficient spread sheet-based systems.

“OneIT understood the urgency of the system implementation and were very cooperative. They’re great listeners, always making time to meet to discuss progress and ensure the system was rolled out smoothly,” added Jannani. “They exceeded expectations and we’re looking forward to working with them on further developments, once phase two is completed.” 

If you’d like to find out how our time sheet system can deliver timely and accurate data for your business, call Emma on (08) 9200 4275 to arrange a no-obligation meeting.

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  • Complete Solution
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  • Value
    What you want and need on budget and on time