Perth (08) 9200 4201 Melbourne (03) 8692 6640

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Do you know someone we might be able to help?

We develop system solutions that can speed up processes, save time, reduce error and improve performance. We are highly experienced in creating solutions to take away business problems. We diagnose issues and develop solutions to problems and transform ideas into innovative solutions to create a competitive advantage.

There are particular types of businesses that we can help. These have been outlined below. Be it now or in the future, you may know a business which might benefit from having an initial discussion with us to help them build on opportunities or overcome hurdles.

Businesses Managing Environmental Issues

  • Business working in recycling, waste management, energy/water efficiency, solar or sustainability.
  • Often growing quickly in terms of their client base and number of employee
  • “As we grow, we just spend more time on admin – our systems can't keep up!”
  • “There's so much red tape, we waste so much time meeting government requirements”

Businesses Juggling Paperwork and Spreadsheets

  • Businesses that have many different steps, processes and job roles,
  • Often businesses in the construction or construction related industries with 5-300 employees
  • We struggle with budgets and deadlines as we can't get a good overview of our projects“
  • “With so much going on, things can easily be missed or simply forgotten!”

Businesses with Recruitment, Rostering or Shift-based Staff

  • Broad personnel base that require tickets, certification or inductions, typically with 15+ staff
  • May have staff who travel (engineering, mining, construction) or work shifts (catering, care)
  • “It’s a full time job just managing our staff rosters, shifts and training!”
  • “We induct staff and send them out on site only to find that a critical thing has been missed…“

Do you know someone who needs our help? If so please contact Emma at OneIT on 08 9200 4275 to discuss and arrange an introduction.

The oneit Difference

  • Experience
    From large companies to small in a variety of industries
  • Complete Solution
    Complementing your marketing strategy and integrating with your business
  • Peace of Mind
    One point of contact with satisfaction guaranteed
  • Value
    What you want and need on budget and on time