Perth (08) 9200 4201 Melbourne (03) 8692 6640



Visualisation, Quote and Sales System

Integrating data management and quoting for Searcher Seismic, saving time and enabling more proactive sales.


As the data provider of choice for some of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, Searcher Seismic provides high quality, non-exclusive seismic datasets and associated products. With a data library comprising products derived from both 2D/3D reprocessing and 2D/3D acquisition, the Searcher team prides itself on the cost-effective delivery of information that enables their customers to extract maximum value from their existing land or new resources. However, the Access database they were using was slow and inflexible, with limited functionality, which was hindering the Sales team, not least because the system couldn’t be integrated with Searcher’s sales system.

The Solution

We developed a new, integrated system that enables users in the Sales team to visualise complex spatial information, as well as see which data their customers currently own. Armed with these insights, the Searcher Sales team is now able to proactively identify and recommend new information that will be useful to customers. The system allows them to:

  • Rapidly search and display complex spatial data on any computer
  • Quickly identify which datasets customers already own
  • Prepare recommendations and generate quotes for new data
  • Automatically integrate spatial maps into quotes


Our solution empowers Searcher’s Sales team, enabling them to access and use information in seconds – tasks that took hours using the old Access-based system. They are now able to quickly and easily spot sales opportunities and play a more active role in helping clients identify their own business opportunities, giving customers the data they need to make business-critical decisions about purchasing land.

The oneit Difference

  • Experience
    From large companies to small in a variety of industries
  • Complete Solution
    Complementing your marketing strategy and integrating with your business
  • Peace of Mind
    One point of contact with satisfaction guaranteed
  • Value
    What you want and need on budget and on time